American Cancer Society

National Cancer Institute

American Institute for Cancer Research



According to the American Cancer Institute data, improper diet causes 40% of cancers in men and 60% in women.  Carcinogenic substances in our food act slowly, but they systematically poison our body day by day.

There is more and more information available about the connection between our food and cancer.  It turns out that our diet can cause cancer or alternatively protect us against it. The word "prevention" might seem overused. However, there is never too much emphasis on cancer prevention if it can save us many years of treatment.  Everybody should realize that our diet might become the cause of cancer.

Use two basic rules in your diet to make sure it is cancer preventing and not cancer-causing: 

  1. Avoid certain ingredients that can cause malignant tumors.
  2. Include in your diet foods that contain substances protecting your body from cancer.

Ingredients that can cause malignant tumors

Beware of fat! Fats in our diet can be a source of carcinogenic substances.  Old and used fats are many times more dangerous than fresh ones.  Never leave grease in your frying pan for a later use.  If possible, replace fried meals with cooked and baked ones.  It is a good idea to cut as much fat out of meat as possible. Also limit your consumption to about two tablespoons a day.
Smoked food products are particularly dangerous for our health because smoke deposits harmful compounds in them, including carcinogenic ones.  Such compounds have been detected in smoked sausage, ham, bacon, and fish as well as in fruits dried with the use of smoke.  Harmful substances contained in 1.8oz (50g) of smoked sausage may cause as much damage to our health as one pack of cigarettes or four days worth of breathing polluted city air.

Health-damaging chemical compounds. Many food products contain nitrates and nitrites.  These salts are not carcinogenic themselves, but in the process of digestion in our stomach, they can be turned into very harmful substances.  Nitrates and nitrites can be found in sausages, some canned meats, and some store-bought fruits and vegetables.  This is why it is best to eat vegetables grown in the open air (not in a greenhouse!) with the use of natural fertilizers (e.g. compost).  If you cook vegetables, use plenty of water.  Discard the water if you are not sure how the vegetables were grown.

Bigger belly - bigger problems. When a scientist from Philadelphia was asked if he knew a good diet to prevent cancer, he said:  Yes! You just have to eat less. Most experts agree with this opinion.  Research involving large population samples proves that obesity significantly increases the likelihood of cancer.
How can we moderate our appetite?  We can do it by eating aged breads, beans, peas, roasted sunflower seeds, and grains.
The sensation of hunger is often confused with the sensation of thirst.  If we try drinking slowly a glass or two of water instead of having something to eat, the sensation of hunger often goes away after ten to fifteen minutes.

Substances that protect us from cancer


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