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Blog / Sep 10, 2024
Feb 04/09
Disease in a Bottle
Jan 30/09
The Art of Staying Young
Nov 18/08
Our Attitudes and Aging
Nov 03/08
May 27/08
Large intestine cleansing
Oct 29/07
Look after your health as carefully and tenderly as you look after your car.
Oct 22/07
We are what we eat
Oct 18/07
Less flour - more power
Oct 09/07
The truth about meat – the time bomb
Oct 04/07
Oct 01/07
Disease in a Bottle
Sep 25/07
The Danger of Refined Foods
May 16/07
Mar 26/07
Factors Causing Damage to our Health
All news

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Disease in a Bottle


These days, it is common to substitute mother’s milk with cow milk or baby formulas.  Human breast milk is rich in lactose that creates an environment that is favorable for the development of friendly bacteria in the baby’s large intestine. 

Cow’s milk contains certain types of proteins and antibodies, not possible for a baby to digest. These substances, instead of regular fermentation, undergo rotting in the baby’s intestine, when the baby is fed with cow’s milk or other substitutes.  This causes autotoxication, imbalance in the microflora, and leads to the degeneration of the baby’s intestine.

Substitutes do not have the biological information contained in mother’s milk, and that causes the baby to constantly feel hungry and require frequent feeding.  Because of that, starch and meat products are usually sooner included in the diet.  The baby’s digestive system is not fully formed; therefore it is not ready to digest and absorb these products.  Certain necessary enzymes are not present in it.  We can notice that many children, two to five years old, constantly have a mucous substance under their noses.  It is caused by too much protein and starch in their diet.  Artificial diet eventually destroys our children’s immune system.  They become vulnerable to all kinds of infections, such as frequent colds, runny nose, flu and pneumonia. Babies fed this way are, in most cases, allergy sufferers.  We cannot predict all possible health problems caused by the absence of breast milk in our babies’ diet.

Every future mother ought to know that nothing can substitute mother’s breast milk; it is the natural food for her babies.  No formula contains information about love, sensitivity, tenderness, or ways to avoid disasters and diseases.  All this information comes from the mother and is encoded in her breast milk.

If a pregnant woman’s diet consists mainly of sweets, white flour products, deli products, cow milk, coffee, fried or baked meat and other refined products, her child is going to suffer serious health consequences.  It is even worse when she smokes cigarettes.


Posted by Jan
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Friday, January 30, 2009
The Art of Staying Young


There is now a new generation of artificial hormones that are believed to cause no side effects.  They can be put in our body; however, the practice shows that the new hormones are only able to slow down the aging process and in some cases they do not bring the expected results at all.  On the other hand, according to scientists, we use only 10% of our brain’s potential.  This means that we have a large reserve of mental abilities that can be put to work.

Memory is a wonderful gift of nature.  Our memories engage emotions and emotions in turn, especially the positive ones, put hormones (such as endorphins - the happiness hormones) to work and along with hormones they put cell receptors to work in our entire body.

This means that our positive thoughts and emotions act as the elixir of youth.  Regardless of our age, we can always use such thoughts and emotions to move back the arms of our biological clock.

To make good use of our memory, we can pick the memories of our youth, our first affection, and other most happy times of our life from its stores.  For a human being (especially female) there is no greater remedy against disease than love.

In the old days, a woman kept her wedding dress and took it out from time to time to admire or even to put it on.  It helps to regularly watch the photos from our youth and reunite with our school friends.  All these activities serve as the elixir of youth for our mind and body.  Constant orientation towards youth and health not only delays aging - it can even bring back our youth.

Ancient wisdom contains many adages about staying young and healthy.  I selected the most effective ones hoping that they can serve you well.  Use them to extend your youth, enjoy good health, and delay the old age as much as possible.  Here they are:

1. Love yourself the way you are.
2. Do not envy anybody.
3. If you do not like yourself, make changes in your life.
4. Anger, insults, and criticism of yourself and others are very harmful to your health.
5. If you make a decision, act on it.
6. Joyfully help the poor, ill, and elderly.
7. Never think about diseases, old age, or death.
8. Love is the best remedy against illness and aging.
9. Gluttony, greed, and inability to overcome your weaknesses are your enemies.
10. Worrying causes you to leave this world.
11. Fear and corruption are the worst sins.
12. The best day of your life is today.
13. The best town is where you feel fortunate.
14. The best occupation is the one you enjoy.
15. Losing hope is the worst mistake.
16. The greatest gift you can give or receive is love.
17. Health is your most valuable possession.

To live long and be healthy, we have to be more joyful in our daily life.  It is not a skill that anybody can teach us.  We have to learn it on our own.


Posted byJan
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Our Attitudes and Aging


Death is not as terrifying as old age

Throughout ages, people dreamed about being immortal and searched for the legendary elixir of youth.  Many scientists in the world look for ways to extend the human life.

There are many who believe that we should not try to resist the aging process.  They say that it is as pointless as trying to revive an old dying tree or renovate an old wooden house whose walls are falling apart.  According to this view, all we can do is to influence the process of aging in a limited way by reducing the symptoms and preventing extreme suffering as the nature takes its course.

Then, why does the body age?  One of the reasons is our own attitude that conditions the body to speed up the process. We fear illness, immobility, and helplessness that come with the old age.  Our aging process begins when we start dwelling on such thoughts and fears.

The way our aging process progresses greatly depends on our psychological attitude towards aging and death.

Unlike all other living organisms, we are able to influence all life processes in our body by using our mind.  There are countless examples of people who became ill with a disease as a result of being preoccupied with fearful thoughts about it.  There are just as many examples of individuals who conquered terminal diseases by maintaining a positive mental attitude.

Our thoughts have the power to make us healthy or ill; they can also make us younger or older.

Aging is the matter of attitude

When we start reflecting on our age, we usually think in terms of different milestones and stages of life: getting married, bringing up children, menopause for women, retirement, and so on.  When we are strongly convinced that there is nothing we can do about the natural progression of the aging process, we program ourselves for premature aging.  As soon as we notice our first wrinkles, the thinning of our hair, or pain in our joints, we pronounce the diagnosis: “I am getting old.”  We think that it creates the necessity to become less active, conserve energy, and lead a restful life.  It does not occur to us that we brought these signs of aging on ourselves by incorrect diet, laziness, and lack of youthful enthusiasm for life.  We shorten our life ourselves by incorrectly using our psychological powers.  Our aging process gets under way because we subconsciously anticipate it. 

The crucial period is the age between 40 and 50.  During that period, we should pay particular attention to our hygiene and the condition of our skin, hair, hands, feet, and nails, to the flexibility and strength of our joints and muscles and to the overall shape of our body.  Easy movements, straight posture, flexibility, flat abdomen, clear and bright eyes are the physical qualities of people who are not affected by aging.  It is a mistake, especially for women, to avoid their image in the mirror as soon as they notice the first wrinkles on their face or fatty folds on their skin.  Even though they try not to look in the mirror, they are subconsciously troubled by questions such as: “Is this really me? Has life worn me out so much? Do I look awful? Am I already getting old?”

Such concerns take away our enthusiasm for life and our interest in the way we look.  When a woman stops admiring her own body and even accepting the way it looks, she allows the aging process to set in.

The mechanism of aging

The mechanism of aging is not completely known.  There are several theories.  One of them (hormonal theory) proposes that aging results from imbalance between old and new cells.  This is caused by two related factors: our hormones “age” and the contact between the hormones and our cells becomes weak.  Hormones are the means our brain uses to communicate with our cells.

Each cell has receptors that receive the hormonal signals.  When the receptors do not react to hormones anymore, the cell undergoes aging and eventually dies.  To use a simplistic analogy, our body is like a TV set, our brain like a remote control able to turn it on or off and switch channels, hormones are like the remote control’s batteries and finally the receptors are like the contacts connecting the batteries with the remote control.

When the batteries get old, they still work for a while but cause oxidation on the contacts’ surfaces.  Even though there is nothing wrong with the TV set or the remote control, the system starts working erratically and eventually quits working at all.  If the batteries are replaced and the contacts cleaned, everything starts working again.  Something similar takes place in our body but the process is more complicated.  This, however, is only one of the theories.  Our body works according to a blueprint provided by nature; nevertheless the number of years we live on this planet depends largely on our daily attitude towards our body’s maintenance.

Monday, November 03, 2008

It is important to understand that each disorder in our body has not only physical but also psychological causes.

Our way of thinking influences what happens to us and determines good and bad aspects of our life.  Listen to your own words.  If you notice that you express the same thought repeatedly, a few days in a row, it has become your mental template.  We all live by our thoughts – they direct our actions.  If our thoughts are full of anger, fear, pain, sadness, and vengeance, what kinds of actions can they result in?  If our thoughts are positive, we can usually expect all the best in our life but negative thinking can only bring difficulties and failure.

It appears that our way of thinking not only determines our life’s successes and failures but also has a vital influence on our health.  For example, many people suffer from headaches, neck pains, and back pains.  What could be the cause of these pains?  Our neck can be mentally associated with flexibility.  In our thoughts and actions, flexibility means the ability to approach a problem from different points of view and creativity in finding a solution.  People who are stubborn, unable to compromise, and cannot see the problem from their opponent’s point of view will suffer from headaches, neck pains and back pains until they learn to treat somebody else’s opinion with greater compassion and understanding.   If we habitually criticize everybody and everything, our joints and muscles start hurting.  When anger and hatred dominate our thoughts, our body “burns out” and is susceptible to infections.  If we keep dwelling on some injustice we suffered long time ago, it “consumes” our body and eventually leads to the creation of cancerous cells and then cancers.

We should work on eliminating negative thoughts and stereotypes as early as possible to achieve not only psychological but also physical health.  It is a very difficult art to learn, and we all have to learn it on our own.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Large intestine cleansing

Some symptoms of an unclean large intestine:  constipation, bloating, skin eczemas, pimples, allergies, black stains on the teeth, gray coating on the tongue, unpleasant skin smell and sweating.

Useful advice:

  1. Limit your consumption of meat, chocolate, sweets, sugar, cow milk, eggs, and white bread.
  2. Drink one cup of kefir every morning and evening.
  3. Chew your food thoroughly (each bite 35-50 times).
  4. Do not drink during meals.
  5. Drink less coffee and tea.

You can test the functioning of your large intestine the following way:  Drink two tablespoons of freshly squeezed beet juice.  If after four hours your urine becomes red, your large intestine is not functioning properly.


I would like to treat the subject of enema (intestinal irrigation) in more detail because enema is one of the most effective procedures you can do at home to clean toxins from your body.

Some specialists warn that large intestine irrigation destroys the healthy microflora.  I do not agree with that.  It is almost impossible to find a person with a healthy microflora because of our diet, lack of exercise, and the amount of medications (especially antibiotics) we take.  I would guess that about 90% of people have a degenerated digestive tract and a damaged microflora.  Dr. Norman Walker, an American physician known around the world (he lived for 106 years) used enema for 50 years to treat different diseases.  He regarded enema to be the simplest and most effective method to clean internal filth from the body.  He used to say that people who do not believe in enema’s effectiveness need it most.

Practice shows that many people are not ready to use the large intestine irrigation routine because it seems repulsive to them.  They should realize that it is the only way to remove layers of stagnant fecal matter accumulated in their intestine.  Stagnant matter looks much more repulsive, and its smell is worse than the worst sewage system smell you can imagine.  Other people find the position inconvenient or do not have enough space at home to perform the procedure.  There are many excuses.  But the threat of an operation or death provides an instant motivation to try putting their large intestine in order.  The most reasonable behavior is to start using the procedure before we are faced with any serious health threats.

Monday, October 29, 2007
Look after your health as carefully and tenderly as you look after your car.


We hear from our childhood about external body hygiene, but we know little about internal hygiene.  However, the condition of our internal organs determines much of our external appearance.

Each owner keeps his car clean inside and outside.  Best quality oil and fuel are used.  Why don’t we care for our health with an equal sense of responsibility?  If we don’t clean the inside of our car for a year, there will be plenty of dirt and dust. Most people never clean the inside of their bodies. Usually around the age of forty, their body is so tired of poisons, harmful deposits, and unfriendly bacteria that it becomes susceptible to disease.

The evolution began from a simple single-cell organism with two openings: one for taking food in and one for discharging waste.  All life processes happen between those two openings.  If the process of waste discharge malfunctions, the cell dies.  It is a simple but perfect model.  Our body contains billions of cells but the general principle is still the same: a malfunctioning waste discharge system causes diseases and death.

Seven cleaning systems in our body

There are seven systems responsible for cleaning mucus, tars, and other filth out of our body.  These systems are:

1. The large intestine
2. The liver
3. The kidneys
4. Fat tissue
5. Muscles and tendons
6. Nose, ears, and eyes
7. Lungs and skin

When one of our internal cleaning systems is not able to do its job, the next system is turned on. For example, if the large intestine and liver cannot complete the cleaning tasks, the systems connected with the nose, eyes, skin, and lungs take over.  The result is rashes, eczema, allergies, runny nose, phlegm coughed up from the lungs from time to time, and secretion from the eyes.

If we closely examined our internal cleaning systems, we would find out that in most cases they are in a terrible condition:

• The large intestine is so contaminated that our blood absorbs more filth than useful substances from it.
• The liver or gallbladder are so plugged with stones, cholesterol, and dark-green bile that the process of filtering toxins out of blood is suppressed.
• The kidneys are not able to do their function because they are stuffed with sand and stones.
• Salty deposits on the bones and joints cause pain with every movement of the neck, arms, or knees.  The joints produce a crunching sound when they return to their resting position.

How can we expect to feel healthy with so much internal contamination in our body?


Posted by jankon
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Monday, October 22, 2007
We are what we eat


From what kind of food should we get our life energy?  The kind that grows in the sunlight is the best source of energy for us.  The sun is the universal energy source for every living organism. Nature gave plants the ability to absorb and accumulate sun energy that is later available for our use.

Diet based only on the calorie count is wrong from the physiological point of view.  It is not the initial calorie content of the food that matters, but how much energy we actually obtain from it when it is digested.

Even though plant-based foods represent lower calorie content, net energy our body receives after their digestion is still higher.  This is why a bowl of buckwheat makes us feel light and ready to do some work.  In contrast, eating a portion of meat makes us feel like having a cup of coffee and going to sleep.  Many people associate meat consumption with strength and energy.  In reality, meat only stimulates our nervous system in a similar way narcotics do.

It is a scientific fact that there is one vegetarian for 1,000 meat eaters in the age group under sixty; in the seventy-and-over group, the proportion is 100 to 1,000; over the age of eighty, there are 600 vegetarians for 1,000 meat-eaters.

The important thing in our food is the balance of ingredients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and microelements.  If their amounts are properly balanced (as they are in natural foods), our body uses only small amounts of energy for digestion.  Most energy can be used for cleaning up toxins and making repairs.  All artificial foods lack the perfect balance of ingredients.  Their digestion becomes a very complex task and uses up a lot of energy contained in those products.  In some cases digestion requires more energy than the food contains.  It takes large amounts of such foods to kill hunger. 

No program, diet, or chef can balance the amounts of proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and microelements in our meals the same way they are balanced in plant-based products.

The knowledge allowing us to use a correct diet is very important.  It is not enough to prepare tasty meals; we need to know how to properly nurture our bodies.

An old Tibetan adage teaches: “Most people get ill for one of two reasons – overeating or hunger.”  As it turns out, we often use forks and spoons to dig our own graves.

Posted by jankon
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Less flour - more power


Let’s take a look at flour – a common product in our households.  It is made from grains.  Unrefined flour contains vitamins B, PP, and F, mineral salts, enzymes, and other ingredients needed in our body.  A grain consists of 85% starch and 15% biological coating.  The substances contained in the coating allow us to break down and absorb the starch. 

Refined flour does not have the coating – it is poor in vitamins, enzymes and minerals.  The digestion of white bread or buns requires a number of substances that are removed in the refining process.  Our digestive system is going to take them from our body’s resources.  Refined flour is hard to digest. We know what happens to flour when it is mixed with warm water. It expands and forms a glue-like substance.  Refined flour behaves the same way in our intestines, slowing the digestion of other foods and forming gallstones or bladder stones.

We add substances such as food coloring, aromas, acidity modifiers, stabilizers, and thickeners in order to make our breads, buns, cakes, biscuits, and other refined flour products more attractive.  What happens with these additives?  They remain in the body and gradually poison us.  They cause our muscles and joints to stiffen. This is how white flour products can cause us a lot of suffering.


Posted by jankon
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The truth about meat – the time bomb


Consuming large amounts of animal proteins (meat, deli etc.), in amounts exceeding our body’s daily demand, causes rotting processes, constipation, and poisoning of the body by lactic, oxalic, and uric acids (the three main culprits responsible for joint diseases, back pain, osteoporosis, and other mobility-reducing disorders).

Meat itself does not have taste nor smell so we fry, cook, and season it to improve its taste. When meat is processed, it releases about 20 poisonous substances that can cause damage to blood vessels and the nervous system.  The digestion of meat requires large amounts of vitamins and microelements.  If we do not eat adequate amounts of raw vegetable salads together with meat, digestion is incomplete and the undigested meat putrefies in our intestines.  The putrefaction processes increase the alkalinity of our large intestine, which leads to blood acidity. Alkaline environment promotes the development of diseased cells (especially cancerous).  Those who excessively consume meat are the prime candidates for cancer.

There is one more fact that requires your attention.  Excessive consumption of animal proteins, especially in early childhood, puts us at risk of immune system disorders.  The digestion of meat needs large amounts of vitamins and microelements that are taken from the child’s blood.  Depleted levels of these substances cause the development of hidden anemia and blood diseases. Ironically, all kinds of allergies, eczemas, and other disorders typical for the age of puberty are usually the result of our parents’ well-intended care.  Unaware of the dangers, they cause damage to their children’s health by including too much meat in the diet.

Eastern philosophy teaches that each food product we consume contains information about its place of birth and development: - the climate, the exposure to sunrays, moonlight, etc.  What kind of information can be contained in meat? Times when cattle were grazing on green pastures are long over.  They are raised their entire lives without sunlight or fresh air.  Instead of eating fresh, juicy grass, they are fed hormones and various synthetic feeds.

When we buy a shapeless piece of meat, we do not think that it was once a part of a lovable animal that was killed by electrocution.  It is naive to believe that animals do not sense impending death in their last moments.  They sense it very clearly.  Faced with aggression and driven by fear, a slaughtered animal’s body produces large amounts of poisonous hormones, which we consume later as we enjoy our steaks.  No wonder that both adults and children become increasingly aggressive and hot-tempered.  Aggression always breeds aggression - this old truth is confirmed by the results of high meat consumption.

In recent years (1999-2002), the number of BSE (Mad Cow Disease) cases in Western Europe has grown to epidemic proportions.  Cattle affected by BSE experience a complete degeneration of their nervous system (sections of their brain tissue turn spongy).  Instead of feeding cattle exclusively with plant-based food, the industry started using animal proteins in the form of meat and bone meal.  BSE is a vivid example of physiological changes that can be caused by eating improper food.  To prevent the spread of BSE, whole herds of cattle are slaughtered and incinerated.  May God prevent children whose diet is based on meat from the consequences of unnatural feeding practices in the cattle industry! 

Posted by jankon
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Thursday, October 04, 2007


As reported by CBC News yesterday, the small community of Peace River, Alberta, has collected $250,000 to fund the clinical trial of dichloroacetate, or DCA.  The drug has been in use for decades but only recent studies on rats showed that DCA fights cancer by attacking the metabolism of malignant tumors.

That would normally be a great news if it wasn’t an old drug with expired patents.  As a generic drug it costs only about $2 a dose, and as a result no drug company is willing to finance further research of DCA and perform any tests on humans.  Big pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars on research of new drugs that they can patent and sell at high price.  The irony is that if a cheap solution to a health problem is found nobody can make profits on that, and consequently no drug company is willing to support any such finding.  That is when the communities of Alberta decided to step in.   In addition to a quarter of a million raised by the residents of Peace River, the community of Grimshaw, a town close to Peace River, also raised more than $100,000 toward the research.

The research is going to be undertaken by the scientists of the University of Alberta in Calgary.  According to CBC News “Health Canada approved DCA for the limited trial on people with an aggressive form of brain cancer called glioblastoma. The researchers are looking for 50 patients in Edmonton who have already tried chemotherapy, surgery or radiation with no success. The drug is to be tested over the next 18 months.” 

The drug was promoted on the internet by “The DCA Site”, an internet site from Sonora, California.  But now they have a following message on their home page:

“Two agents from the FDA visited us on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 and ordered that we stop making and selling DCA. Unfortunately, the site www.buydca.com no longer offers DCA for sale.”

 The drug can still be purchased from pharmacists with a prescription.  However, until the research confirms otherwise, it cannot be prescribed against cancer. 

Doctors warn of potential problems if people attempt to try DCA outside a controlled clinical trial. "If it starts going badly, who is following you before it gets out of control? By the time you realize your liver is failing, you're in big trouble," said Laura Shanner, Associate professor of health ethics at the University of Alberta.

On the other hand, people with advanced stages of cancer do not have much to lose and it is very likely that they will be trying DCA at their own risk. 

A private cancer centre in Toronto, lead by wife-and-husband team Drs. Humaira and Akbar Khan, prescribe DCA to cancer patients in Ontario who have exhausted all other treatments.


Posted by jankon
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Monday, October 01, 2007
Disease in a Bottle


These days, it is common to substitute mother’s milk with cow milk or baby formulas.  Human breast milk is rich in lactose that creates an environment that is favorable for the development of friendly bacteria in the baby’s large intestine. 

Cow’s milk contains certain types of proteins and antibodies, not possible for a baby to digest. These substances, instead of regular fermentation, undergo rotting in the baby’s intestine, when the baby is fed with cow’s milk or other substitutes.  This causes autotoxication, imbalance in the microflora, and leads to the degeneration of the baby’s intestine.

Substitutes do not have the biological information contained in mother’s milk, and that causes the baby to constantly feel hungry and require frequent feeding.  Because of that, starch and meat products are usually sooner included in the diet.  The baby’s digestive system is not fully formed; therefore it is not ready to digest and absorb these products.  Certain necessary enzymes are not present in it.  We can notice that many children, two to five years old, constantly have a mucous substance under their noses.  It is caused by too much protein and starch in their diet.  Artificial diet eventually destroys our children’s immune system.  They become vulnerable to all kinds of infections, such as frequent colds, runny nose, flu and pneumonia. Babies fed this way are, in most cases, allergy sufferers.  We cannot predict all possible health problems caused by the absence of breast milk in our babies’ diet.

Every future mother ought to know that nothing can substitute mother’s breast milk; it is the natural food for her babies.  No formula contains information about love, sensitivity, tenderness, or ways to avoid disasters and diseases.  All this information comes from the mother and is encoded in her breast milk.

If a pregnant woman’s diet consists mainly of sweets, white flour products, deli products, cow milk, coffee, fried or baked meat and other refined products, her child is going to suffer serious health consequences.  It is even worse when she smokes cigarettes.



Posted by Jan
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Danger of Refined Foods

Our desire to “improve” everything and to separate “needed” ingredients from the “unneeded” ones leads us to refining most of our food products.  Our artificially “improved” food only seemingly has the same nutritious qualities as natural food.  Artificial and natural foods have as little in common as silk roses with real ones – they only look similar.  The same difference exists between synthetic and natural vitamins or synthetic margarine and real butter.

The objective of refining food is to make it more attractive commercially.  Cooking and other forms of temperature treatment causes the food to lose its biological information (the total content and composition of chemical substances in natural products) acquired from the Sun, the Earth, and from water.  Our body does not readily recognize and assimilate this sort of food. It has to draw from its own resources in order to make the food useful.  Sugar beets, and sugar acquired from them, are a good example.  Sugar beets are natural plant products containing many vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes, and hormones.  On the contrary, sugar acquired from the beets is thoroughly refined, crystallized, and filtered. (A poison, calcium chloride, is used to make it white.)  It gets into our stomach as a chemically pure substance, sucrose, without any vitamins, mineral salts, or other biologically active substances. Pure sucrose cannot be assimilated; it has to be joined with other substances.  Beets have all the necessary substances in them; sugar does not.  Our body is forced to use its own resources of calcium, iron, and other elements.  This causes tooth decay, diabetes, anemia, etc.  Research suggests that high consumption of sugar causes degeneration of blood vessels and individual cells, mutations, and eventually may lead to cancer.

We do not consume sugar only with our coffee and tea; it is in our candies, biscuits, cakes, and soft drinks.  There are countless products containing sugar.

Because of high sugar consumption, the number of cases of diabetes, anemia, and blood cancers increased rapidly in the last twenty years in all developed countries.  This is why parents and grandparents make a serious error when they treat children with candies and let them acquire a taste for sweets.  The habit may be very difficult to eliminate later in the child’s life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


When we come into this world, the first thing we do is to take a deep breath.  The last thing we do leaving the world is to stop breathing.  Our life is what occurs between our birth and death, and it depends completely on our breathing.  Breathing is the invisible “food,” without which we cannot live for even five minutes. 

Some German studies suggest that as many as nine out of ten people breathe incorrectly.  Why is this happening?

Try watching little children breathe.  Their abdomens expand and contract as they breathe in and out, utilizing especially a major muscle called the diaphragm.  With this kind of breathing, the lungs have a lot of room to take air into their middle and lower sections.  The more oxygen gets in when we inhale, the better is the ventilation of our lungs, and more oxygen is absorbed and carried by our blood erythrocytes to produce energy. Thanks to this kind of breathing, children are robust, active, and happy.

Grown people breathe in an entirely different way. As we progress in years, lead an inactive lifestyle, suffer from spine misalignment, obesity etc., we start breathing differently.  When we breathe in, our rib cage expands, our abdomen is deflated, our shoulders and collarbone move upwards.  Only the upper, smallest sections of the lungs are involved in this kind of breathing.  It usually does not provide enough air and we have to breathe more frequently (It is particularly noticeable in obese people.)  Only small amounts of inhaled oxygen get into our lungs.  The lungs work intensively but only in their upper parts.  They become overworked and their cells suffer premature wear.  There are layers of dead, inactive cells in the lung tissue.  

The older we get the larger sections of our lungs are no longer involved in the breathing process.  Our body is constantly oxygen-starved.  This causes not only respiratory diseases but also disorders of circulatory system, pancreas, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and many more.

We can delay our aging by thirty to forty years and avoid many diseases by utilizing the diaphragm better.  It has been known for a long time that people of high longevity breathe slowly.  A 130-year old East Indian person who looked half his age, when asked about the secret of his longevity said, “It is correct breathing” (he breathed once a minute).  One of the principles of ancient medicine states: “The fewer times we breathe in one minute, the longer our life is.”

Monday, March 26, 2007
Factors Causing Damage to our Health


There are five main factors causing damage to our health:

  1. Neglected spine
  2. Incorrect breathing
  3. Incorrect diet
  4. Lack of internal body hygiene
  5. Inability to live a blissful life

Neglected Spine

Stand in front of a mirror and take a close look at yourself.  What is your spine like?  Is your back becoming hunched?  Does your abdomen push forward?  Do you suffer from back pains?

Unfortunately, most people have these symptoms because they have weak back muscles. They used to hold our spine without much strain.  Our muscles become weak as we age, mainly as a result of physical inactivity, incorrect diet, obesity, sleeping on soft mattresses, etc.

Sometimes the best methods of examination are unable to detect minute dislocations of vertebrae, causing symptoms that have apparently nothing to do with our spine.

Our spine is the column that supports everything our body consists of.  Various movements can often cause minute dislocations of vertebrae; the muscles around a dislocated vertebra stiffen up and prevent it from moving back to its proper position.  This results in progressive nerve and muscle inflammation, causing pain and limiting our range of motion.

A dislocated vertebra creates pressure on nerves and blood vessels that are connected with specific muscles and organs.  If a nerve remains under pressure for a long time, the organ depending on that nerve develops pathologies that are hard to cure. 

According to statistics, one out of ten children in the world wears glasses, suffers from allergies, frequent headaches, abdominal pain, chronic colds, attention deficit, etc.  The cause of these problems, and many others among the younger generation, is often a degenerated spine.  We neglect it from early childhood without realizing that it will cause most of our health problems when we become adults.

This is why, in order to return to good health, we should first start paying attention to our spine.


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