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Look after your health as carefully and tenderly as you look after your car.
Monday, 29 October 2007


We hear from our childhood about external body hygiene, but we know little about internal hygiene.  However, the condition of our internal organs determines much of our external appearance.

Each owner keeps his car clean inside and outside.  Best quality oil and fuel are used.  Why don’t we care for our health with an equal sense of responsibility?  If we don’t clean the inside of our car for a year, there will be plenty of dirt and dust. Most people never clean the inside of their bodies. Usually around the age of forty, their body is so tired of poisons, harmful deposits, and unfriendly bacteria that it becomes susceptible to disease.

The evolution began from a simple single-cell organism with two openings: one for taking food in and one for discharging waste.  All life processes happen between those two openings.  If the process of waste discharge malfunctions, the cell dies.  It is a simple but perfect model.  Our body contains billions of cells but the general principle is still the same: a malfunctioning waste discharge system causes diseases and death.

Seven cleaning systems in our body

There are seven systems responsible for cleaning mucus, tars, and other filth out of our body.  These systems are:

1. The large intestine
2. The liver
3. The kidneys
4. Fat tissue
5. Muscles and tendons
6. Nose, ears, and eyes
7. Lungs and skin

When one of our internal cleaning systems is not able to do its job, the next system is turned on. For example, if the large intestine and liver cannot complete the cleaning tasks, the systems connected with the nose, eyes, skin, and lungs take over.  The result is rashes, eczema, allergies, runny nose, phlegm coughed up from the lungs from time to time, and secretion from the eyes.

If we closely examined our internal cleaning systems, we would find out that in most cases they are in a terrible condition:

• The large intestine is so contaminated that our blood absorbs more filth than useful substances from it.
• The liver or gallbladder are so plugged with stones, cholesterol, and dark-green bile that the process of filtering toxins out of blood is suppressed.
• The kidneys are not able to do their function because they are stuffed with sand and stones.
• Salty deposits on the bones and joints cause pain with every movement of the neck, arms, or knees.  The joints produce a crunching sound when they return to their resting position.

How can we expect to feel healthy with so much internal contamination in our body?


Posted by jankon

October, 22 
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