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We are what we eat
Monday, 22 October 2007


From what kind of food should we get our life energy?  The kind that grows in the sunlight is the best source of energy for us.  The sun is the universal energy source for every living organism. Nature gave plants the ability to absorb and accumulate sun energy that is later available for our use.

Diet based only on the calorie count is wrong from the physiological point of view.  It is not the initial calorie content of the food that matters, but how much energy we actually obtain from it when it is digested.

Even though plant-based foods represent lower calorie content, net energy our body receives after their digestion is still higher.  This is why a bowl of buckwheat makes us feel light and ready to do some work.  In contrast, eating a portion of meat makes us feel like having a cup of coffee and going to sleep.  Many people associate meat consumption with strength and energy.  In reality, meat only stimulates our nervous system in a similar way narcotics do.

It is a scientific fact that there is one vegetarian for 1,000 meat eaters in the age group under sixty; in the seventy-and-over group, the proportion is 100 to 1,000; over the age of eighty, there are 600 vegetarians for 1,000 meat-eaters.

The important thing in our food is the balance of ingredients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and microelements.  If their amounts are properly balanced (as they are in natural foods), our body uses only small amounts of energy for digestion.  Most energy can be used for cleaning up toxins and making repairs.  All artificial foods lack the perfect balance of ingredients.  Their digestion becomes a very complex task and uses up a lot of energy contained in those products.  In some cases digestion requires more energy than the food contains.  It takes large amounts of such foods to kill hunger. 

No program, diet, or chef can balance the amounts of proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and microelements in our meals the same way they are balanced in plant-based products.

The knowledge allowing us to use a correct diet is very important.  It is not enough to prepare tasty meals; we need to know how to properly nurture our bodies.

An old Tibetan adage teaches: “Most people get ill for one of two reasons – overeating or hunger.”  As it turns out, we often use forks and spoons to dig our own graves.

Posted by jankon

October, 22 
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